Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sonnet 2: As You Like It'

One Line Short
Orlandos to Olivers
Seniors to Fredericks
Dying Does to Flowing Rivers
But definitely
However You Like it'

Is it arrogant to find augment in
the words? Perhaps the only steps you take
sherzo arguement? Thus stalemate in the din
is best stated for 'scussion amongst rakes-
filthy quips mocking mudbloods-your pen's death,
your ash-wand's ashes, your books burn for mine's
press. 'Oh how pressing the pressure of meth
-od's destruction of your thought to put lines
to mine. You can argue the spitter-spat
and be as ink-globs that rob a book's worth,
but remind yourself that a sentence' fat
robs the slender of one book as one book
compares to a thousands' now fattened brook.

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