I feel you. There is just something about blogging that puts a sour taste in peoples mouths. I've personally come to enjoy it because it separates class into an equal amount of lecturing and discussion. At first I really did not care for it at all, not because I was frightened by putting myself out upon the Internet for everyone to see, class mates included, but more so because I didn't want to put any time and effort in to doing something seemingly extra for class (this is not to say that I haven't had at one time or another intense anxiety over the responsiveness of my own writing, because we are all human). But I've come to like it, love it because it allows a collective response to the Text and Lecture compared to a class discussion amongst 40 students which never seems to have any straight path. It's a tricking thing to get a hold of, but I believe in time you could possibly enjoy it.
As for being as educated in Shakespeare, we are in the same boat. I've read maybe 5 of his plays, and his sonnets and poems. I'm nowhere near most people in the class who've read 18 plus plays of his. I don't think this entirely matters, not saying that being that versed in Shakespeare is a bad thing, far from it; I believe that a genuine interaction with any of his material will be very fruitful for you and that you shouldn't be hassled by the idea of anyone else having more knowledge then you. Instead think of it as a great gift you've been granted to be allowed into the minds of everyone else. We all have our gifts and I would be very thankful if you'd find yourself willing to share yours with us.
All the Best,
James the Rat
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